Current location: Cadcorp SIS Routes to School > Creating and configuring the Gazetteer > Oracle-based Gazetteer-first use

Oracle-based Gazetteer-first use

If the default gazetteer is Oracle based using TNS names there is a procedure to validate the Oracle connection.

The following is an example of this.

Routes To School cannot connect with just ‘orcl’ so when you click the Single Measurement dialog Find Address button you will see a connection error:

Click OK and you will see:

This shows your gazetteer was set up as user osmm accessing server ‘orcl’

In the New value text box enter the server name in the format:


Click Test.

Providing the connection is successful you will see:

Click OK.

Also click the OK button (which will now be enabled) in the Update Oracle Connection dialog.

From now on, the gazetteer will continue to use orcl and the installed Oracle client but Routes To School will use the new name and the Oracle Managed Data Access component.

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